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During the data collection period, questions may come up about how to best complete the eCRF (the data form).
On this page we will share some of the questions we have been asked and our suggested eCRF responses.
Scenario: Patient has a labor epidural and then requires intrapartum caesarean section. The first anaesthesiologist performs an assessment of the epidural and decides it is not working; does not plan to make a top up attempt; and plans for a spinal anaesthesia.
Question: In such a case, what is the initial anaesthesia plan (Qu 14 of the eCRF)?
Answer: In this case the initial anaesthesia plan is "spinal anaesthesia"
Note: Qu 15 will be answered "yes", there is a labor epidural catheter in place
Note: Qu 16 Will be answered "no", because the anaesthesiologist who made the initial mode plan did not think the labor epidural
was working
Scenario: Patient has a labor epidural and then requires intrapartum caesarean section. The first anaesthesiologist does not assess the epidural because their practice in such a case is to perform a spinal anaesthesia, regardless whether the epidural is or is not providing labor analgesia.
Question: In such a case, what is the initial anaesthesia plan (Qu 14 of the eCRF)?
Answer: In this case the initial anaesthesia plan is "spinal anaesthesia"
Note: Qu 15 will be answered "yes", there is a labor epidural catheter in place
Note: Qu 16 Will be answered "not applicable", because the anaesthesiologist who made the initial mode plan did not assess the analgesia.
Why are you asking for the denominator?
We need to account for bias in each center's data collection. So we ask you to send the "denominator".
The denominator means the total number of caesarean delivery cases that were performed during the 2-week study window in your center, including the number of cases for which no data was entered.
Scenario: Patient has a elective caesarean section under general anaesthesia because this is what the patient requested.
Question: In such a case, what is the suitable response regarding testing the block (Qu 27 of the eCRF)?
Answer: In this case the response should be "other " and add a text box note "general anaesthesia". "Not tested" is also a correct response but not required
Note: Qu 37 can be answered "no intravenous / inhalational medications", because no supplementation was given, but "other" should be marked - and text - general anaesthesia
Question: Do I need to add details of drug doses and concentrations to the questions about spinal and epidural drugs adminstered?
Answer: The drug adminstered must be noted. This is a compulsory question. However the doses and concentrations can be filled under "other" but this is not mandatory